Lauren's Journals in Portugal

Lauren's Journals in Portugal

Sunday, August 25, 2013

joys from the summer

This past summer was totally awesome!!
Being a counselor has got to be one of the most challenging and yet the most fun thing to do in the whole world!
Counseling emotionally and physically drains you, but to watching the children grow in the Lord is so rewarding!
Whether it's watching them start a new found relationship with our Savior of the world, or watching them learn in their walk the lessons of life.
The hardest thing was watching them leave at the end of the week not making any profession of faith- not knowing whether they were on their way to heaven or hell, but that challenged me to
trust God.
In God's hands they are in much better care.



Quiet Time- Spending precious time in God's Holy Bible 


Unit 2

Unit 1

Mikkey taught me-
-Are you WORRYING?
-Are you TRUSTING God?
(worry is just telling GOD that His plan for you
is not good enough...)
{Worry is not trusting God}
Philippians 4:6&7, 13
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts
and minds in Christ Jesus.
[I can do all things through him who strengthens me.]

A HUGE thank you-
-to all those that did things that were so
behind the scenes that no one noticed,
God sees all.
He saw your efforts, you will be blessed. 

Such a thing as too much candy at CAMP?? 

My awesome unit leader
-thank you for your persistent, when it was hard.
God has taught us both huge awesome HARD lessons!  

Ending of this step....Graduation
Welcoming new...
-what does God have in store?
Are you open to His will??

1 comment:

  1. Love this Lauren! Really neat to read and look through. Super encouraging and brought back awesome memories and remembering what all the Lord has done this past summer. <3 you!
